Moving Beyond the Misery of Living in the Past


When you comb through your past to replay all the events that occurred and all your reactions to those events, you are living in that reality in your mind. 

It feels so real that we hold it as truth.

But living in the past often causes despair, hopelessness, and even suicidal thoughts because you can never go back and change the past. It becomes overwhelmingly frustrating to live in a reality that simply doesn’t exist anymore. 

So, how do you help yourself out of the...

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How to Cope With How Fast Your Ex Moved On


Have you ever felt depressed by how easily you’ve been replaced, like within months of the divorce or even during the marriage (infidelity)?

Have you ever felt that your ex-husband quickly moved on while you are left coping with the mess and trying to put your life back together?

Many sisters have expressed that they’ve felt confused, numb and heck, even relieved. Everyone will have a different reaction because every marriage is unique and different.

But if you’re one...

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Struggling to find time to make good decisions post-divorce? Here’s why ‘time’ may not be the culprit


Divorce is an overwhelming life change. Your mind can feel like mush and full of confusion. There’s so much to take care of and address that sometimes you feel like you don't know where to start. 

You’re just trying to stay afloat in survival mode. 

Often, the issue of time management comes up when you’re left to juggle everything and with little or no help. 

Recently a sister reached out to me and said this:

“I wish I had time .. one of my...

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Self-Care: An Obligation, A Personal Responsibility, and An Amanah


There’s so much talk about self care right now and I want to chime in and talk about it as well - but on a much deeper level than what I’m currently seeing.

Much of the self care talk has a focus on pampering the physical body and appearances. But the self care that I want to discuss involves the whole being. I don’t see self care as being optional, I see it as an obligation, a personal responsibility,  and an amanah. It is a basic right of each individual to...

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He Wasn’t Good For Me But I Still Miss Him


There are so many women suffering from the pain of the loss of their marriage even though they faced a lack of respect, mistreatment and abuse. They know the marriage was harmful for them and that they deserve better but they still feel horrible. 

I’ll be sharing a question from one such sister with the hope that you’ll benefit from the answer that I gave her. 



When you get out of an unhealthy, toxic, abusive marriage you know wasn’t good...

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The Secret to Mastering Being Alone Without Feeling Lonely


There are so many transitions post-divorce. You may have a new living arrangement while the whole family structure is changing. 

Perhaps you don’t see your children as much due to custody arrangements or the number of social invitations are not what they used to be. You now may even be the head of the household.

Your life is being restructured.

You are learning how to be and live in this new dynamic, different than what you knew before. So, not only are you probably feeling...

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Why Planning Your Future Can Lead To Misery (And What To Do Instead)


We all make plans. It’s in our nature to look to the future and think about how we want it to be.

But what happens when we spend so much energy (mental and physical) planning only to have our plans not come to fruition? It can be disappointing and even devastating. 

But there’s no need to suffer in that way and in this article, I’ll be discussing how to look towards the future in a way that leaves us feeling content and peaceful, regardless of our plans and their...

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How to Cope With Your Divorce and Move Forward

You’ve been married for what feels like a lifetime. You may have waited your whole life to finally meet your partner and you thought that it would last forever.

Yes, you may have had some problems, but you never imagined they were issues that couldn’t be solved. 

You had hope in the promises that were made - you would be loved forever. ‘Until death do us part.’

But that was not the reality and now suddenly you’re feeling betrayed and abandoned. 

And now...

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Why ‘Stay For The Children’ Is a Terrible Advice and How It Promotes Toxic/Abusive Marriages in Some Cultures

How much oppression, abuse and toxic behavior ("hell") would you put up with in order to give your child the privilege of having both mommy & daddy together? 

This question brought up a lot of discussion in my private group. 

Many women shared their stories about what they went through and how they wondered after filing for divorce, ‘Why did I stay so long?’ Many could relate to the feeling of staying for the sake of the children and not wanting to destroy the...

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Are You In a Toxic Relationship? 10 Signs of a Toxic Relationship and How to Navigate It

We’ve all known that person at one point in our lives - they exude negativity and leave you feeling drained of your very lifesource! 

OK that might be too dramatic.

But as tempting as it can be to label such a person as being toxic, it’s not the person who is toxic. Rather, their behavior is toxic or your relationship with that person is toxic.

Often, such a person is deeply wounded and for whatever reason, they are not yet able to take responsibility for their feelings,...

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7 Stages of Coping & Healing From the Breakup of Divorce

Plus tips on how to successfully navigate each stage and move forward!