Peace & Blessings


I support overwhelmed, soulful, high achieving Muslim wives who crave balance in their life so that they can create a peaceful, purposeful, and fulfilled life with excellence.


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Starting with being a mother, she strives to raise God conscious, independent thinking people who contribute to society. Now as a coach, she focuses on supporting high achieving professional working moms who are overworked, overcommitted, and overwhelmed to have serenity, balance and a life of abundance.

Rayesa used to have her identity tied to one person most of her life, relying on this person to define her and give her permission to be. When this relationship ended after an unexpected divorce after 17 years of marriage, she was launched into a spiritual and emotional healing and rebirth. 

Through this journey, Rayesa found the personal power to create her own identity based on self discovery, self love, acceptance, kindness, and compassion. This transformed her into an enlightened, independent free thinker with fearless confidence and have a life of serenity, balance and abundance.

Rayesa’s dream was always to be a teacher. After practicing pharmacy for 20 years and raising three children, she now gets to live out her dream through coaching, workshops and speaking. Rayesa believes each person is here for a purpose through reaching their full potential. 


Rayesa’s extensive knowledge and competence in high performance coaching, relationships and parenting skills is instrumental in bringing out her clients’ full potential and supporting their growth process. Her expertise, firm and loving approach empowers each individual to seek answers from within through a quiet mind and their own insight.Her ability to help women find clarity and purpose, build fearless confidence, and attain self worth and peace of mind is pivotal for anyone struggling or ready for the next level of performance in their lives.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus

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