Have you ever just wanted to return back to a simpler time in your life?


Self-Love is Your Birthright

Register to Reclaim Your Fitrah

Self Love is Your birthright

Have you ever just wanted to return back to a simpler time in your life?

Register to Reclaim Your Fitrah

I have...


If you can relate to our story, we have something for you...


Join us in this intimate program

Self-Love: Your birthright 

 Reclaim & Return to your intrinsic state (Fitrah) as an act of worship

Because YOU are your greatest asset. 

We created this program - LIVE 6 Week Course starts on 3rd November 2020 to help you find your inner peace and to reset back to your natural state.
A state where you were born into before all the conditioning and programming that took you away from the beautiful creation of Allah you are.

Fitra (Arabic) is usually translated as "original disposition," "natural constitution," or "innate nature."
To get back to your fitrah "Fitra" or "fitrah" (Arabic: فطرة‎; ALA-LC: fiṭrah), is to return to the state of purity and innocence Muslims believe all humans to be born with.

Your fitra is to be connected to The One Who made you, Owns you, Protects you, Provides for you, at all times.

Yes, I Want to Join!

When it comes to self love, self care
and showing up in life

➲ Are you stuck in people pleasing because you cant say no and have boundary setting issues
➲ Do you feel that something is wrong with you?
➲ Do you self-loath or feel inadequate that you are just not a good enough woman, mother, and muslimah?
➲ Do you struggle with speaking your truth, instead you hold  back from your goals and dreams?
➲ Do you struggle to put your time for your emotional, iman, mental, and physical well-being?

I was there...


Results That You Can Look Forward to

 💗You will be able to step into the confident woman Allah created you to be with your self esteem attached to your Creator rather than your external achievements and accolades

💗Start living a purposeful, peaceful, joyful life no matter what is going on externally without permission from anyone.

💗Become closer and connected to your ultimate never ending source, Allah, in order to navigate the challenges in your life.

💗Learn that the most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself, and able to truly know yourself  through your Creator.

💗Feel whole, healthy, and empowered to live your life Unbreakable no matter what challenges you face as the best mother, sister, daughter, wife, and any role that you have.

Who are Your Coaches?

Khadija Al-Kaddour

The Muslimah Motherhood Coach empowers and supports Muslimah mothers who are seeking to evolve into confident, authentic women empowered to parent from a place of worthiness, less frustrated and stressed out. Khadija is a degree qualified  Parenting Educator, Motivational Speaker, certified in NLP, currently studying“Inside Out Psychology” paradigm, Homeschooler, Mother of five boys and founder of Muslimah Motherhood Circle workshops since 2014. 

Her success formula centres on reclaiming one's resilient  inner emotionally healthy self, creating a thriving home for raising our children. This allows Muslim Mothers to discover the strategies and knowledge to raise emotionally-connected, responsible, resilient, compassion Muslim boys.Khadija has  taken woman on this journey and the shifts have made them more confident, reclaiming their worth and living to their true self, striving instead of surviving! Khadija is  passionate about your growth-are you? You are worthy of love and belonging and living your true life! She is dedicated to your healing,  growth, learning and supporting you myself  to become the mother, woman, believer you need to be for yourself. Validate you first! Invest in you first.

Rayesa Gheewala

The Divorced Muslimah Coach is living her mission in supporting muslimahs whose marriage has broken down to come back to their true, whole, healed self (their fitra) and be unbreakable so they can take charge of their life in a manner pleasing to Allah. Step into the beautiful life they deserve to have with clarity, consciousness, tawakul, fearless confidence and innate resilience.

Rayesa is a Certified High-Performance Coach, a practitioner of the “Inside Out Psychology” paradigm, and Certified Back to the Fitra Mentor/Trainer. She has extensive training in high performance coaching, effect communication, holistic psychology, and spiritual principles.  Using this expertise, Rayesa guides her driven clients  back to their FItra into a renewed sense of peace, confidence, compassion, and resilience to intentionally create their next stage of life.

Payment Options



One Time Payment




2 Months



A growth reflection workbook each week for each module of the course, including

  • Self-inquiry journal prompts and
  • Quran future journaling journal

to go deep and help you on the way to actions that will support you.

What Others Say About Our Coaching


 Rayesa is instrumental in bringing out her client's full potential and supporting their growth process. Her firm and loving approach empowers each individual to seek answers from within through a quiet mind and their own insight. She has the  ability to help women find clarity,  purpose, and peace, while accessing their innate fearless confidence, and realize their self worth. This process is pivotal for anyone going through divorce or ready for the next level of performance in their lives.


I had just made the decision to file for divorce after 21 years and was seeking support, guidance and direction in moving forward. I was struggling with clarity on how to proceed, how to talk to my kids, how to navigate my feelings and emotions, and where to get help. The program had several self-reflection activities that forced me to envision my path ahead, to be clear on my wants and my needs, as well as the reasons for my decisions. I left with more of a personalized clarity on what is best for me, that didn't come from a lecture, but from exercises that forced me to define what is best for me. I liked the exercises that forced us to self reflect and to clear our minds. Overall, it was a calming, reassuring and clarifying experience.

~S R~


I just love that Rayesa gets you to THINK for yourself. She never tells you what you should be doing or thinking, rather she empowers each individual to seek out the answers within themselves. Such a simple yet powerful concept that can be applied to any area of life! She's shown me the need to find the clarity and purpose in my thinking before I can set out to achieve my personal goals. And she does it with a firm yet loving approach. She didn't merely give me tools for success, she's changed my entire outlook and mindset for life.

~A Rahman ~


Words cannot describe my appreciation to Khadija's work in this complete course that is designed to empower mothers no Matter what their struggle are. You are a blessing that I prayed  to Allah would send me, and that came to me in a time of despair and that I thank Allah for Khadijah. Her devotion, her experience and heart felt words all resonated and made sense in every module I had takeaways That not only empowered me as a mother but had a significant impact on my family circle as a whole Alhamdulilah. Forever indebted to you  

~ Fay Absi ~

I felt like I was drowning, always feeling like I was failing as a mum, wife and Muslimah. My tired, lost soul desperately needed this enlightening life-changing course.
Khadija is the mentor every Muslim mum needs, a mentor who’ll make u believe in yourself, and truly love yourself. With her invaluable knowledge and coaching skills she will prove to you that life changing transformations are possible. You can’t put a price on gratefulness, inner peace and emotional resilience, an invaluable investment I’d make again and again. I now show up as a better mum, more emotionally resilient as I am able to bounce back from setbacks faster. I’ve let go of anxious thoughts and critical self-talk and now look at myself and others from a place of compassion. I courageously live my life with purpose as Khadijah has helped me discover my true authentic self.
I finally found the practical steps needed for me to become the empowered, confident woman I want to be.

~ Tahyat Sayadi ~

What You Are Getting

Over 8 hours of video lessons and bonuses to learn from at your own pace after the live 6 week course.

A growth reflection workbook each week for each module of the course, including  self-inquiry journal prompts.

Access to a private, intimate Facebook community to engage with Rayesa and Khadija during the course.

Week 1: Powerful awakening (psychological awakening of how we operate) with Rayesa.

Week 2: Week 2 Unbreakable- the two foundations of self-love with Rayesa.

Week 3: Triggers and painful patterns unearthed with Khadija

Week 4: Letting go and embracing Allah’s plan for you with Rayesa 

Week 5: Owning our boundaries - showing up differently with Khadija

Week 6: Reclaiming yourself to a rebirth of your new chapter in life with Khadija



Every Tuesday, 11/3-12/8

2 pm Los Angeles PST, 5 pm New York EST, 10 pm UK

Every Wednesday

6am Perth AWST, 9am Sydney AEST


Ready to Reclaim Your Birthright?


Today is the day for you to start loving yourself in the manner befitting a servant of God.

Register for The Self Love Program