About Me: Rayesa Gheewala, the Divorced Muslimah Coach

About Me: Rayesa Gheewala

Feb 19, 2021


Welcome! I am honored to have you in my space.

Allow me to properly introduce myself and share a bit about me so you can get to know the person behind the Divorced Muslimah Coach


I am Rayesa Gheewala.

I was born in Brooklyn NY and grew up in Staten Island. We moved to Boston when I was 16 after my father passed away.  I attended University there.

Interestingly I went to pharmacy school there and practiced for over 23 years. Although wanting to be a teacher was always in my heart...

It’s just that Allah had a different plan on how that was going to come to fruition. 

Teaching and training are a big part of what I do today. My overarching vision is contributing to having spiritually and emotionally healthy families in our ummah. My mission is to help divorced muslimahs heal, rebuild and reinvent the next chapter of their lives as their best version. I do this by teaching the truth of your human psychological experience in addition to knowing the truth of your existence (your true authentic fitra soul).


You must be wondering how I went from Pharmacist to The Divorced Muslimah Coach…

Well, that story is what I call my Rebirth. Although not in a physical sense a metaphysical (spiritual & emotional) one.

I went through my own divorce about 7 years ago and that experience was the impetus to my Rebirth. 

Through turning back to Allah, taking it all to Him with humility and desperation, I returned back home to my fitrah and foundation. As these profound shifts were happening internally, all the resources and support I needed to begin my healing and rebuilding journey to reinvent myself, my life, and path forward came into my life.

For sure it was not easy and took me way out of my comfort zone. Nothing worth having and being ever is. But it is exactly what I needed to help me step into the best version of myself., 

Through my own healing work and returning back to my fitrah I trained and became a Certified High Performance Coach and Back to the Fitrah Educator/Mentor/Coach.


Now enough about the serious stuff.

I love to be about in nature literally basking in the sun. I love the warmth and light of the sun and how it envelopes my whole being. It’s like a metaphorical hug from The Creator.

I have many roles such as daughter, sister, and mother. Before all that, first and foremost my identity is rooted in being a magnificent servant of God. I’ll get into the journey around my roles another time.

I appreciate you stopping by and connecting with me through my story.

If you can relate or have experienced an internal revolution yourself I’d love to know about it.

Share below or send me a DM on Instagram if it’s too personal to leave here.

To find out more about my 12 Month Mastermind Program - Reinvent Yourself After Divorce  Let's Chat

Accelerate your healing and progress by nurturing and strengthening your 2 foundational relationships to be Unbreakable and rebuild a more peaceful, authentic, purposeful, fearlessly confident life for yourself and your family.

Seeking that supportive community while you are navigating your divorce? Join my group To Divorce or Not To on Facebook where I frequently answer your questions, anonymous or directly. 

If you're interested in working with me and want to connect to learn more about my programs, let's get on a call to see if we'd be a good fit!